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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Too Much For This Ole Lady

I spend hours on end on the computer because this is what I am comfortable doing. I spend a lot of time "surfing the net". I learn as I go. In order for me to stay up with the Jones or in this case, my grandchildren, I must pretend like I am into the current craze. OK, I don't pretend to be talented and God know's I have tried many things. So all I ask is that you be patient with me until I get with the program, ok? My eldest granddaughter Joleen started this "blog" stuff sometime ago. She is very gifted and her talents are endless. So she gets into the blogging craze and we all fell in love with her "secret life". Then she convinced her younger sister, my next eldest granddaughter, Aimee that she should "blog". You have to understand, Aimee is a second year college student studying to be a pediatric nurse. God know's she barely has time to have a marriage, take care of a cute 4 legged "kid", cook dinner and spend time with her new husband, Vince and get a few hours of sleep and study. Yet she walks around with a camera in her hand and takes pictures of everything. I picture Aimee with a stethiscope in one hand and a camera in the other. Now I find out that Joleen made a blog cover for my eldest daughter, Lisa, who is mom to the above girls. Now, Lisa is blogging and I can't let them get away with that so me, mom, and grandma has to jump on the bandwagon. I am thrilled to share this new phenomena as three generations go "blogging". Signing off now until I can figure out what I'm doing.


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